Friday, May 27, 2011

Bill's First Rose

Here's a little montage of the first rose that I grew from seed.  This is the first bloom from the rose this spring in various stages of opening.  The bottom two pics are closest to the true color of the rose - an electric pink.  The first year I attempted to grow a rose from seed, I wasn't convinced it was possible, so I gathered hips from all over the garden, mixed the seeds together, put them in some damp soil in a baggie, and put them in the refrigerator to stratefy for 8 weeks.  Because I mixed all the seeds together, I can't be positive of the parentage, but it looks almost exactly like Miss All American Beauty (except the form is a lot messier), so I'd be willing to bet she's the mama.  It isn't the best rose in the world, but I keep it because it's my first.

1 comment:

  1. You have every right to be proud of this beautiful rose! The bud is extraordinary.
